Jonita Trading & Services
Cleaning Chemicals - Manufacturing of Water Heating Elements
Tubular Heaters - Stainless Steel Parts

Jonita Trading & Services is one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial electric heating products and temperature sensors in Singapore. High Quality Products and Fast Delivery is our utmost achievement!
Jonita is a one-stop shop where we custom-make, design and supply a comprehensive range of industrial heaters, temperature sensors and other related heating requirement according to customer's specification.
We also provide consultation service and professional advice on various types of industrial heating systems. We can manufacture any form of heaters by copying and also produce anything with provided steel work drawings.
Sole Distributor of Syntech Chemicals in Indonesia
Laundry / Kitchen / Dishwash / Housekeeping
Manufacturing of Water Heating Elements - Tubular Heaters - Stainless Steel Parts
Head Office Address
Syntech Chemicals Pte Ltd
2A Second Chin Bee Road Singapore 618781
Tel No
+65 6270 5200
Mobile No
+65 9488 8345
Mailing Address
715 Pasir Ris Street 72
Singapore 510715
Company Registration No
Warehousing Bintan
IndoBintan Makmur
Jalan Bhakti Praja Kp. Kamboja No 45 - RT 01/RW 01 Tg. Uban Selatan Bintan Utara
Warehousing Batam
Komp Jodoh Point
Blok B No 7 & 8
Batu Ampar - Batam